GEOGLAM Crop Monitor for Early Warning (CM4EW) uses methods adapted and applied to countries at risk of food production shortfalls. Countries which principally complement geographically the large market producers, are monitored and reported on in the CM4EW reports.



In line with the goals of the GEOGLAM initiative, the Crop Monitor methods were then adapted and applied to countries at risk of food production shortfalls. The need for an assessment that is prepared horizontally by different international, regional, and national agencies, with overlapping regions, is fundamental in unstable and fragile countries where food security is extremely vulnerable. The success or the failure of a crop for such countries sometimes mean famines, political unrest and the need to import from other countries. 

Operational since February 2016, the CM4EW has become an internationally recognized source of reliable information on early warning and crop conditions, and often used to inform humanitarian organization decisions on food allocation and assistance. Through collaborating with the main international humanitarian agencies, regional bodies, and national agencies, the CM4EW has been able to provide timely and accurate on the ground information before humanitarian crises arise.