The International GEO-Innovation Center leverages the unprecedented availability of satellite data, computing capabilities, and new missions to be a world leader in Earth Observations research and applications. Center faculty conduct research to better understand the Earth’s surface, natural systems and its processes, and develop solutions.

Through labs and programs such as GLADHARVESTGEDI, the Center faculty work closely with partners to address some of the most pressing problems in Earth Observation science. Please visit Center participant profiles or our collaborative project pages for more information.

Summer Schools

Annual Remote Sensing Summer Schools

Since 2022, the International GEO-Innovation Center organizes an annual International Quantitative Remote Sensing Summer School in cooperation with the School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering of Wuhan University, the Quantitative Remote Sensing Research Center of Wuhan University, and the Department of Geography at the University of Hong Kong. This free virtual summer school features talks by global experts in remote sensing.


NASA Harvest

CEOS LPV / GEOGLAM Joint Ag Workshop

Joint workshop to develop community good practices for validating cropland and crop type maps co-organized by the CEOS LPV Land Cover focus area and GEOGLAM Essential Agricultural Variables (EAV) Working Group.

When: 12 - 14 September 2023

Where: National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, Maryland, USA