Catherine AGRF Digital Panel
Project Lead
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy

NASA Harvest / University of Maryland and partners have developed a digital platform that ingests data from various public and private sources and then leverages advanced analytics and tools to develop near real-time and forward-looking food balance estimates. 



The goal for the Regional Food Balance Sheet (RFBS) initiative is to create a more predictable trade and policy environment in East and Southern Africa (ESA) to increase food security and enhance regional trade and investment. The RFBS captures critical data that shows a complete picture of regional food availability which includes production, imports, change in stocks on the supply size, and exports, food availability for human consumption, losses, feed, seed, industrial utilization and other use on the utilization side. This innovative tool provides estimates for shortages and surpluses in the region as well as develops projections of future food supply and demand needs which help to set targets for agricultural production and trade.