SS opening ceremony

The International GEO-Innovation Center concluded the second International Quantitative Remote Sensing Summer School, which ran from June 28 to July 7, 2023.

The summer school was organized in cooperation with our partners at the School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering of Wuhan University, the Quantitative Remote Sensing Research Center of Wuhan University, and the Department of Geography at the University of Hong Kong.

The virtual summer school featured talks by global experts in remote sensing. This year we had 24 talks from speakers in 18 universities covering a variety of topics including active and passive remote sensing methods, deep learning methods, atmospheric correction, applications for vegetation, urban and agricultural monitoring, terrestrial ecosystem monitoring using 3D canopy structure from GEDI, remote sensing of fires, snow and frozen ground and GLAD land cover data products and Landsat and Sentinel-2 Analysis Ready Data.

The summer school was received with great interest from students and early career researchers not only from the participating countries but internationally from Asia and Africa. With over 3,000 participants from 67 countries, including students from collaborating institutions and attendees from around the globe, it proved to be a resounding success.

We look forward to continuing this partnership with our collaborating institutions in the coming years.                


Image: Screenshot of the virtual opening ceremony

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